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Almost all services can be done Online or In Person now
I accept clients from all over the world and adjust your appointment time to your time zone.  I do online Video-calls through Facebook Messenger, Google Duo & Facetime.  I accept Zelle, Paypal, Cash App, Facebook Pay & Venmo.  You can schedule by clicking the "Contact" tab at top of page.

Psychic Reading & Clearing

(Available Online)

I will look into your Aura which is an energetic field around your body, I tell you what is coming though in your energy field like images, symbols, spirit guides, spiritual family, colors and lights. I tell you whatever I am seeing and it usually has some value or meaning to you.  I also see blockages being released from your body and energy field that have been keeping you stuck and stagnant in areas of your life.  I also feel in my body what is going on and clearing in your body.  It's also common for you to feel sensations on or in your body that are being worked on while blockages are being released and healings are coming in.  I use energetic light to clear your energy and I also watch as healing lights come in and balance out your chakras and overall energy.  It's an experience that you probably won't forget anytime soon.  It can be an experience that can be described as transformative, comforting, peaceful, a new feeling of relief and healing with A-ha moments and sometimes it's just surprisingly funny and refreshing.  There is never anything scary about it, it's very natural in how the messages come through.   It's also common to sleep better when you get to sleep, vivid dreams and psychic sensitivities can also increase for you.  You can just watch how things start to shift in your life.  

20 min..............50.00 USD

30 min..............60.00

40 min..............70.00

50 min..............80.00

60 min............100.00

70 min............110.00

80 min............120.00


(Any time after shown time frame will be $1.00 per minute)






Access Consciousness Bars OR Enegetic Facelift  with Healing & Clearing(In Person Only)

You would lay on a very comfortable, reclining anti-gravity chair for this. I am able to see into your Aura or Energetic field around your body.  I tell you about the energy or blockages you are releasing, I tell you about images, spirits, symbols, colors and lights that come through while I gently touch points on your head and face that act as if it's clearing an inner hard drive in your body. This brings in opportunities for areas like love, money, awareness, creativity, passion, and healing. Many people are able to focus significantly better and clear your energy so you can focus better, this can actually change your life.  

60 min.............100.00 USD

90 min...........130.00

(Any time after shown time frame will be $1.00 per minute)


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Card Readings &/or Astrology Talk

(Available Online)

Find out about whats going on in your life or someone else's life. Choose from In-Person or Online Readings through Facebook Messenger Video-call, Google Duo or Facetime.  I can start out with a general spread and let you know what is going on right now, coming up for you and then you can ask questions after I lay the cards out or you can ask a question and we can build a spread from there.  It's up to you how we start it.  You can find out how someone feels about you, what their motivations are, what's likely to happen, what they hide, we can also look into what the energy is like and what's coming up around, love, finances, career and health.  I will also tell you what is going on whether it's good or bad, I will always be honest with you.  I also incorporate my knowledge of astrology and numerology into the reading for expanded insight to major themes in your life, purpose, what type of partner you attract, if you have your partner's birth information, I can tell you what they are attracted to as well.    

10 min.............20.00 USD

15 min.............25.00 

30 min.............50.00

60 min...........100.00 

90 min...........120.00 

120 min.........160.00 

(Any time after shown time frame will be $1.00 per minute)







Reiki Energetic Healing & Clearing

(Available Online)

I am a Usui Reiki Master.  If IN-PERSON or ONLINE Energetic Reiki light will move through your body.  Many times, I am able to see and/or feel in MY body what is receiving healing and clearing in YOUR body or pets.  I am also able to see in your Aura what is coming up for healing and clearing.  Sometimes you will feel sensations in your body that are being worked on as well.  I am available for in person, online or at a distance without you being present.  When done at a distance and you not being in person or online or for greater concentration of the energy being sent, I stictly focus only on sending energy only and without the messages that may come through.  If you want messages, see the Psychic Reading and Clearing Service.

60 min..............100.00 USD

90 min..........,,..130.00 






Home &/or Business Clearings/Cleansing

(Available Online or In Person)

I will clear the energy in your home or business and bring light energy into your space.  I have smoke and smoke free options and recommendations on what would be best to use based upon what is going on and needed in the space.  

125.00 USD


Astrology Reading

(Available Online)

This reading can tell you about your personality, inner emotions, your focus in life, what you are working toward, your thinking style, love style, what you go after, where you experience luck, abundance and restrictions and what lessons you are here to master and your soul's area of purpose.  I tell you about the types of partners you attract thru dating or marriage partner and areas you would meet them, your career/job choices  I also tell you what cycles, trends and "flavor" of energy is going on for you now, the past and what will be coming up for you.  We can also look at another persons chart like a partner or child.  I can tell you what type of person your partner is attracted to, etc.  You will need to provide your date of birth mm/dd/yy, birth town/city and EXACT time of birth for a more detailed in depth reading.  If you don't have the exact time of birth, that is okay, there will still be plenty of other information to give you.  We are much more than just our Sun sign in Astrology, our moon and Rising/Ascendant sign are just as important.  That's why people can be so complex.  

10 min.............30.00 USD

15 min.............35.00

30 min.............60.00

60 min.............90.00








Personality Report for You &/or Others

(Sent in Email)

Information about the following for you or someone else describing how you are as a person, how you express yourself, what you want, personality, how you are as reach maturity, your karmic lesson, hidden passions, physical, mental, emotional and intuitive expression for the year(s), challenges, cycles and trends you are going thru now and in the future.  Great for figuring others out or for gifts.  You will receive this report through an email.

1 Report...........20.00 USD


Energy of the Day, Month and Year Report

(Sent in Email)

This is a Forecast Report that shows you what the "Energy" or "Feel" will be like for each day, month and year.  (I actually use this to plan my everyday activities, events and important meetings based on what I am trying to achieve.  For example...if I have an important meeting to achieve a certain outcome...I will not choose to go on a day that has emotional stress in it...I would find a day that is good for business.  This is a report sent through Email.

1 Year Report...........20.00 USD








Past Life Regression

(In Person Only)

I would have you lay on a comfortable, reclining anti-gravity chair fully but comfortably dressed with clean sheets and a blanket. At that time, I have you close your eyes and do some breathwork such as deep breaths through your nose and have you see some pictures in your mind's eye as if you are remembering what something looks like to you. 

You may experience it by seeing, sensing, feeling or hearing.  If you are in a typical (some may like to call it the following) story line, past life, time line or even a parallel life perhaps, I would guide you towards different periods of time in that scene that are significant to you in some way and I would also lead you through what may be called the death process of that scene and you crossing over to the Spirit World. 

2 hours..............200.00 USD


Quantum Healing Hypnosis

(In Person Only)

Here is what to expect during a QHHT session.  My practice is in my home and when you get here we would sit and talk for a while about your life which include current and past events. We usually start talking about your childhood and go from there because childhood is usually where patterns, habits and routines  are established that affect our lives in some shape or form. we also go over your list of personal  questions & health issues that you would bring with you to your session. The talking portion usually lasts about an hour or a little bit longer but I don't rush it. 


After talking, I would have you lay on a comfortable, reclining anti-gravity chair fully but comfortably dressed with clean sheets and a blanket. At that time, I have you close your eyes and do some breathwork such as deep breaths through your nose and have you see some pictures in your mind's eye as if you are remembering what something looks like to you. 


You would just continue to hear me talk to you while you are relaxing further into the process. At some point into your relaxation,  I would have you tell me about the most beautiful place in the world or that you can imagine and you would tell me about it.


I then proceed to relax your body even further by having you follow my voice and see in your mind's eye what I am telling you to see. It's very easy to do this.  I guide you through everything and most people find themselves viewing some kind of story, colors or images.


Your higher self is the one that picks what is  appropriate for you to see at this given place and time for you to see.  I ask you questions and you tell me what you are seeing.


You may experience it by seeing, sensing, feeling or hearing.  If you are in a typical (some may like to call it the following) story line, past life, time line or even a parallel life perhaps, I would guide you  towards different periods of time in that scene that are significant to you in some way and I would also lead you through what may be called the death process of that scene and you crossing over to the Spirit World. 


We usually go through about 3 lives or scenes.


At this point in your relaxation (TRANCE) I ask your higher self about the lives or scenes you were seeing and start asking about your personal questions and body issues. Example: I ask “Why did you show "your name" the scene or lifetime with him/her riding horses?” The Higher Self says “because she needs to know that she had freedom and can bring that back into her current lifetime." 


In this state of trance, you are accessing your Higher Self...which is You and  you must be able to trust the information that is coming in....It could come in as soft as a thought form and you say the first thing you think of (without thinking about what to say.) 


After we go through your questions and health issues, I will start the process of bringing you back and counting you out. You will then sit up and talk about what happened when you were in trance. 


After you leave, I will send you a link to your recording and the more you listen to it...the more the changes and/or healing that occurred will stick.   


In order to be able to go into trance, you must be able to keep your eyes closed through the entire process, lay very still without moving around, crossing legs, arms, itching your nose etc.  The degree of trance is based on your ability to totally step aside and allow the information to come through. 


Every experience is different and the ones that Dolores Cannon talks about are the most extraordinary.  I follow the induction process to trance the exact same way that she got those most amazing experiences.  I can't guarantee any outcome but I have  witnessed some great sessions and outcomes. You may get just ordinary information or something amazing so don't have any expectations, just allow what comes.

3-5 hours.........300.00 USD



Payment info that will be connected to my picture on "Home" screen:

Zelle:                361-252-6859


Cash App:          $YvonneBean8

Venmo:               YvonneBean8

Facebook Pay:   Yvonne Bean 

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